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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-05 05:52:10

Edward Diener wrote:
> Finally, I admit as a 3rd party developer on Windows who has supplied
> implementation code for end-users of VC++ and C++ Builder, that I
> consider it almost "criminal" in a computer programming sense when an
> end-user is not protected by these #pragmas from possible changes he
> may make at the command-line or from within an IDE. Surely if
> Microsoft and Borland have gone out of the way top provide this
> fail-safe method of eliminating data layout errors, an intelligent
> implementor can use these methods.

It is certainly "criminal" to not use the appropriate #pragma mechanism if
you provide a binary compiler-specific distribution that depends on certain
alignment (and other options affecting binary compatibility: enum size,
empty base/member optimization, and so on.)

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