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From: Russell Hind (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-05 05:54:57

Peter Dimov wrote:
>>Currently, I have to link directly with the signals source code to get
>>use the library.
> This is what I'd do, too. The other alternative is to build several .lib
> files that match the options specified in your various project
> configurations (Debug, Debug MT, Release, Release MT, or however their
> canonical names are in BCB).

The problem with linking with the source directly (not a major problem)
is that we have our own Thread.cpp which we're planning on turning into
a wrapper around boost::thread (it currently uses Win32 threads
directly). Unfortunately C++Builder won't allow 2 cpp files in the same
project with the same name, even if they reside in different
directories. We can get around this re-naming either the boost
thread.cpp or own own, but it is a bit of a pain (but we haven't run
into a problem with the thread library wrt this).

As mentioned in the rest of the thread by Edward Diener, bcc32 supports
#pragma option push and #pragma option pop to temporarily force compiler
options, which as also mentioned, is how the headers that come with the
compiler are configured so that the alignment for anything declared in
there headers matches what was built into the .lib and therefore we can
use our own compiler options for our code but not run into any problems
with the pre-compiled libraries.

Do you not think the same approach would work in boost? (I don't know
how much support there is for push and pop of options in other
compilers, though)


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