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From: Russell Hind (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-05 03:25:46

Edward Diener wrote:
> #pragma push -someoptions

The options from windows.h of C++Builder 6 Pro are

#pragma option push -b -a8 -pc -A- /*P_O_Push*/

along with the pop at the bottom. These are:

-b: Force enums to be of integer size
-a8: Force 8 byte alignment on structs
-pc: Force 'C' calling convention
-A-: Disable use ANSI keywords and extensions (because windows headers
won't compile in strict ansi mode, apparently)

For Borland, it might also be worth adding -Vg- which disables
CodeGuard. Just in case there are allocations done in inline code in
header files which are then freed in methods in the compiled lib (which
may/may not have been built with CodeGuard).

Also, being able to disable some of these options or all of them with a
#define would also be useful so that you could link with the code
directly (as I have done to get round the current problems) and there
fore build with CodeGuard and other options to test the library.

Unfortunately I haven't used any compilers other than bcc32 (for a long
time anyway) to be able to help/test other versions of the headers, but
I can help with the Borland version of them.



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