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From: speedsnaii (speedsnaii_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-06 04:29:00

> > > > If the constructor also would accept a row I could use it as a
> > > > parameter type for function calls when I want to express, that
> > > > only 'data' types are expected and 'expressions' are not
> > > > (Sorry for the sloppy formulation, I am not sure how to
express this
> > > > more concise.)
> > >
> > > I hope, we'll be able to solve this, too.
> >
> > I am not sure about your last statement. Do you mean a kind
> > of 'vector_proxy' that can act as a placeholder to a row/column
> > another vector?
> No, I basically meant, I hope that you'll find appropriate
signatures for
> your functions. I still believe you'll either have to
use 'expressions' or
> have to enumerate all overloads for your 'data' types (and that
could be
> many ;-).

So in a certain sense I can see the 'expression' that is stored in my
functor as a 'reference' to my container data? I.e when the data of
the container changes the evaluation of the expression will retrieve
the current data?

Sorry for my slow uptake on the matter. I think this comes from the
fact that I still do not have a sound idea of what an 'expression' is
to me from a point of usage. Can I see it as a bundle of funtions
having certain parameter lists? What 'really' happens when I "e()
(i,j)" ?


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