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From: Paul Snively (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-07 00:19:47

In article <014801c2e308$cabfb4c0$6cbb193e_at_[hidden]>,
 "John Maddock" <john_maddock_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> No you've got it right - it's just that the unit test lib doesn't report
> much by default - if you look at the jamfile you will see that it uses the
> following command line args:
> --report_level=detailed --build_info=yes --log_level=messages
> you can do all this with bjam BTW, with:
> bjam is_convertible_test.test
> Hope this helps,

It certainly does, thanks! So I nastily hard-coded those values into my
copy of unit_test_main.cpp, and now I get:

Test case "" passed with:
0 assertions out of 0 passed
0 assertions out of 0 failed

This is consistent with what I see when I step through the program with
the debugger: there's a loop through the test case, and the body of that
loop is never executed. From looking at the pre-processed source code of
the test case, it would appear that the framework relies on a
constructor of a class for side-effects, specifically to add the test
case to the unit. My guess is that this constructor is never getting
called for some reason. Any further insights are most welcome. Thanks

> John.

Best regards,

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