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From: Paul Snively (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-07 00:50:13

In article <Hubert.Holin-0A6C97.11404205032003_at_[hidden]>,
 Hubert Holin <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Somewhere in the E.U., le 05/03/2003
> Bonjour
> I suspect that what you need is to allow the messages to appear
> in the console, which can be brought about by typing the following
> before the creation of the test_unit (that's the way I mage it work for
> me, at least):
> ::boost::unit_test_framework::unit_test_log::instance().set_log_threshold
> _level_by_name("messages");

You and John were both quite right. I posted a reply saying that I got
an empty test case and 0 assertions succeeded/failed, and pointed out
that it wasn't clear to me that the constructor that adds the test case
to the master unit was being called. I needed to follow that line of
reasoning to its logical conclusion! It turns out that, in my
Codewarrior project, I simply needed to have the linker not dead-strip
static initializers. That did the trick.

Thanks for your help!

> Bon courage
> Hubert Holin

Best regards,

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