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From: speedsnaii (speedsnaii_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-11 06:37:11

Hi Joerg,

> > I think my derived class is not 'copy constructible'
> > and 'assignable'.
> > Is there a simple way to fix this?
> I believe yes: we could drop the requirement that assignments have
to be
> size conformant. But this requirement is pretty useful when doing
> linear algebra IMHO. So I'd like to hear other opinions...

Thank you, this will work for me. But still a question left:

It seems even when I use the copy constructor of a ublas::vector the
values are copied using the assignment operator. Shouldn't they be
copied using their copy constructor instead? In this case also
ublas::vector would work as same as std::vector.

It is meaningful, when the operator= would not work since the
contained vectors of course are not the same size. This problem will
arise whenever doing 'vector of vector' or similar.

> > (I am not even sure whether this is a uBLAS matter. So please
> > tell me, and I will try to learn the missing parts.)
> It's definitely an ublas matter: should we increase standard
> or stay with the size conformance restriction.

I think vector is copy constructible, if the element type also is
copy constructible, isn't it? And if I use a vector as a element type
(which is copy constructible I think), there should be no problem. No
need to give up current size conformance restriction behaviour for

What do you think?


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