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Boost Users :

From: joseph antoneose (josantose_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-20 08:27:47


> Most of the Boost libraries (such as Boost.Random) are header
> which means that you add ${BOOST} to the include path of your
compiler and
> you're done with the "installation". There are a few Boost libraries
> (Python, Regex, Signals, Test, and Thread) that produce actual .lib
> files. If you are not using those libraries, you do not need to
build the
> .lib files.

Other libraries that produce .libs are the date_time library and in the
upcoming 1.30 release the filesystem library. There are a group of
boosters working on the install process, but in the meantime I see
no reason why you can't do something simple like create a /bin
directory and copy/move/link the libraries to this location
so you don't have to traverse deep into the directory tree to
find them.


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