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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-23 18:53:09

Viktor.Ransmayr_at_[hidden] writes:

> Hello David,
> Unfortunately your suggestion/ suspicion didn't solve the problem :-(
> - I'm attaching the build log again.

OK, I see the problem. For some reason bjam likes to think of mingw
as a separate operating system. That means $(NT) is not defined and
$(OS) = MINGW. This is totally screwed up AFAICT and even if we make
bjam build (easy enough; add

     if $(OS) = MINGW { $(NT) = MINGW ; }

to the top of build.jam), it probably won't work right when you try
to use it with Boost.Build. So my recommendation is that you use the
one from the website until we get this sorted out.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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