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From: Martin Okrslar (okrslar_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-24 03:28:23

Thanks a lot for your help!

But (just in order to learn more about my beloved BGL):

>>The connected components algorithm uses a color map for internal storage. If
>>you don't supply a color map, it tries to build a default color map using the
>>vertex index property. That's where this is failing: when the vertex list
>>type is listS, there is no default vertex_index property, so the code fails.
Is there any way I could have known that from the documentation? I mean,
this is by no means an accusation, but I'd just like to be able to learn
to work through the BGL without having to anoy the list with lots of
question. I still think that I missed something.
If this is so, please let me know. By the way: BGL saved me so much
time... I can't even tell you...

all the best

Martin Okrslar
MPI for Molecular Genetics          phone: ++ 49 + 30 / 8413-1166
Computational Molecular Biology     Fax:   ++ 49 + 30 / 8413-1152
Ihnestrasse 73                      email: okrslar_at_[hidden]
D-14195 Berlin                      URL:

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