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From: Jeff Holle (jeff.holle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-26 23:36:47

I avoid this error by commented out the the ASSERT on line 99 of
The program works as before, giving the correct answer.
I know this isn't a solution, so I really hope to hear the correct one...
Thanks in advance.

Jeff Holle wrote:

> Having switched from boost_1_29_0 to boost_1_30_0, code that was
> compiling and running now produces this error message:
> I'm using Mandrake linux 9.0 with the gcc v3.22 compiler.
> /home/jholle/boost_1_30_0/boost/graph/connected_components.hpp: In
> function
> `boost::property_traits<IndexMap>::value_type
> boost::connected_components(const Graph&, ComponentMap) [with Graph =
> boost::subgraph<boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS,
> boost::directedS, boost::GraphvizVertexProperty,
> boost::GraphvizEdgeProperty, boost::GraphvizGraphProperty,
> boost::listS> >,
> ComponentMap =
> boost::iterator_property_map<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<size_t*,
> std::vector<size_t, std::allocator<size_t> > >,
> boost::subgraph_property_map<boost::subgraph<boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS,
> boost::vecS, boost::directedS, boost::GraphvizVertexProperty,
> boost::GraphvizEdgeProperty, boost::GraphvizGraphProperty,
> boost::listS> >*,
> boost::vec_adj_list_vertex_id_map<boost::GraphvizVertexProperty,
> size_t> >,
> unsigned int, unsigned int&>]':
> BGLLayout.cpp:49: instantiated from here
> /home/jholle/boost_1_30_0/boost/graph/connected_components.hpp:99:
> `sizeof'
> applied to incomplete type `boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE<false>'
> The code that produced this error is:
> void
> BGLLayout::FindComponents(void)
> {
> typedef vector<unsigned int> Ints;
> Ints c(num_vertices(m_graph));
> connected_components(m_graph, make_iterator_property_map(c.begin(),
> get(vertex_index, m_graph), c[0])); << -- line 49 (error source)
> m_componentStartVertex.clear();
> unsigned int i=0;
> for (Ints::const_iterator iter=c.begin(); iter != c.end(); ++iter,++i)
> if (m_componentStartVertex.size() <= *iter)
> m_componentStartVertex.push_back(i);
> }
> Note this code is largely taken from connected_components.cpp.
> Can anybody tell me what is wrong here?
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