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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-31 13:24:35

On Monday 31 March 2003 12:59 pm, Michael Kettner wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got problems in linking against the signals-library. I built the
> library defining
> <define>BOOST SIGNALS NAMESPACE=boost signals
> and running
> bjam -sTOOLS=gcc-stlport -sBUILD=release
> Everythinig seemed to work fine, but when I now try to link against the
> shared library (see attached file), I get the following undefined
> references:

Do the testcases run properly? e.g., use the same bjam command line in
libs/signals/test and check if there are any failures.

> I'm using gcc-3.2.2 and STLport-4.5.3.
> May it be the case that something with the STL-namespace (std) went wrong?

If the Signals testcases are running properly, I would guess that the
gcc-stlport toolset is using different STLport options than you are using in
your own program, and its affecting the name of the STLport namespace. One
way you can check this would be to use "nm libboost_signals.a|c++filt" to see
what STLport namespace the Boost.Signals classes refer to.


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