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Boost Users :

From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-31 14:36:47

On Monday 31 March 2003 02:31 pm, Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> > I'm using gcc-3.2.2 and STLport-4.5.3.
> BTW: I was under the impression that GCC 3.2 had a sufficiently-developed
> standard library, and does not need to use STLport. Is that not the case?

STLport has a wonderful debug mode that helps find errors in the use of STL
(e.g., dereferencing past-the-end iterators and such). I also know that some
users prefer to use STLport because it is a common library platform and they
can be sure their code will port to other compilers/architectures (that may
otherwise have different standard library implementations).


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