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From: Joel de Guzman (djowel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-31 18:43:17

Edward Diener wrote:
> David Abrahams wrote:
>> "Edward Diener" <eddielee_at_[hidden]> writes:

>> There's an unspecified type-expression which goes where the
>> /*unspecified*/ comment is.
>>> I always though that a typedef must specify an actual type but I
>>> don't see any in the expression above.
>> The point is that we're not showing it to you ;-)
> I suspected that but I couldn't figure out why you wouldn't show it.
> However it made it hard for me to understand how mpl::if_<> really
> works without understanding what actually goes there.

Because it's an implementation detail :-) You need not know
the guts of how if_ really works, as long as it works. The same
way as you don't need to know how if (c) a; else b; works,
(in terms of low level code) as long as it works.

However, perhaps the /*unspecified*/ would better be enhanced
by pseudo-code?

        typename Condition
        , typename T1
        , typename T2
    struct if_
        /* if (Condition) T1 else T2 */
        typedef /* implementation detail */ type;

Thoughts? Dave? Aleksey?

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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