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From: Tanton Gibbs (thgibbs_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-04 14:24:26

"Paul Mensonides" <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]> wrote in message news:b6ifnh$5l0$
> Edward Diener wrote:
> >> What specifically would you have me do? The pp-lib docs do not
> >> attempt to explain the implementation of the pp-lib itself.
> >
> > I don't want an explanation of the inner workings of the pp-lib. I
> > would like to see an explanation of the pp-lib which attempts to
> > explain the functionality of it from the user's point of view.
> > Something like a grouping of the macros in it from the point of view
> > of general areas of functionality, with the specific macros grouped
> > and explained within each area.

It honestly sounds to me like Edward wants a tutorial -- something that the PP library does not currently have. I have used the PP lib
numerous times for many different types of problems, and have always come away with a good feeling towards the docs. They are
easy to navigate and are structured in such a way that you can find what you are looking for quickly. However, I also understand
Edward's point about a tutorial. If I had not come to the PP lib with a particular problem, but instead just wanted to get a "warm, fuzzy"
feeling about it, then it would be natural to want a tutorial to walk me through each macro giving an actual program and describing why
each macro used in the program was chosen as well as what it expands to. I realize that this would be a huge undertaking, but perhaps
there are people out there like myself, who have used and enjoy the PP lib that would help you in this endeavor if you choose to undertake it.
I definately think it would be worthwhile to have a tutorial to help the unitiated get their feet wet. Basically, give them a problem to solve, show
them how to solve it, then describe in detail how the solution was derived. The tutorial would then not get in the way of the initiated, but would bring
the uninitiated up to speed.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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