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From: Vladimir Prus (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-07 00:57:16

Hi Steven,

Steven Solie wrote:

> I'm now getting the following warning from BGL 1.30.0:
> /gg/boost/boost/pending/property.hpp:71: warning: sorry: semantics of
> inline function static data `const bool match' are wrong (you'll wind up
> with multiple copies)
> /gg/boost/boost/pending/property.hpp:71: warning: you can work around
> this by removing the initializer

Yuck! Looks like the compiler is saying that it has bug...

> The code that generates the above warning looks something like this:
> Territory* t1 = new Territory(...);
> Vertex vertex = add_vertex(m_graph);
> put(vertex_name, m_graph, vertex, t1); // generates warning
> The graph declaration looks like this:
> typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS,
> property<vertex_name_t, Territory*,
> property<vertex_distance_t, unsigned long> > > Graph;
> I don't have any problems with BGL 1.29.0

The change which upsets your compiler is
revision 1.15
date: 2003/02/17 07:58:00; author: vladimir_prus; state: Exp; lines: +6

and was made as the result of
--- the HP compiler did not like the previous version.

The question is whether you'll be using 2.95.3 by the time next Boost
version is released? If not, I suggest you just apply the attached
reverse patch. If yes... something more is needed.

- Volodya

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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