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From: scleary_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-04-07 08:07:12

> From: agiatojon [mailto:JonAgiato_at_[hidden]]
> Thanks a lot for the info. I saw that but did not know exceptions
> were disabled in some compilers by default, which as you suggested, I
> found out this one does. I enabled them, and now it compiles.
> I have another question for you if I may. I attempted to simply
> stream the numbers to the standard output but it complains that there
> is no operator defined for this object. Is there a file I can include
> that contains the overloaded output operator functionality? I am sure
> this must be available, I am just not sure of its location. I know
> that ublas uses the file "IO" in order to bring those definitions in.

Make sure you're doing:
  std::cout << dev();
and not:
  std::cout << dev;

If that isn't the problem, could you post a code sample?


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