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From: Bobby Thomale (bobby-thomale_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-11 15:25:57

Hey guys,

I am having some more problems getting Boost 1.30 to compile on the Mac.

I am using CW Pro 8.3, compiling a TARGET_CARBON project.

I am having trouble getting the MP implementation of threads to compile. It
seems to be having trouble with function pointers where the syntax
function<type> is used.

I remember at one point it was mentioned that:

function<type, type...>

was deprecated and we were to use either the more universally supported:


or the cleaner:

function<void myfuncSig()>

instead if our compiler supported it.

(Mine doesn't support that last one yet I don't think.)

I am guessing that the oldest syntax was removed and no one has bothered to
update the Mac carbon thread implementaton to compile again since then?

That one seems pretty easy to fix - just update to a supported syntax? (I
could do this, update to the functionN<type,type...> syntax since that is
what my compiler supports. If someone wants me to make and submit the
changes to them for inclusion I'd be happy to, if I knew who to send them

Or is there a better/easier workaround?

Secondly, the Signals library is not compiling. It's actually not a Signals
problem, I think it is a type_traits problem.

I am getting a bunch of strange compile errors, in a boost::type_traits file
called: is_base_and_derived.hpp

It looks like there is a template near the top that is the first thing that
fails. There is a define that goes into an alternate implementation for
certain broken compilers. Perhaps CodeWarrior needs to be added to the list
of compilers that compiles the "broken compiler" version of the stuff in
this header?

Thanks in advance for your help!

                                -- Bobby

Bobby Thomale
Senior Software Developer
Inoveon Corporation

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