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From: cl_corba_at (Christian.Lipp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-15 06:11:03

> I guess that's the right job for boost::tokenizer...

The problem is, that a command line seperator for the tokenizer is not
provided by boost, so you rely on external code.

If I use the tokenizer, I have to parse the arguments, copy them in a
vector and then pass it to your module.

> Frankly, I've missed the WinMain case, and not sure what to do.
> The problem is that single string might erase important
> information --- what happens if you have command line argument
> with embedded space.

Embedded spaces should be placed in quotation marks which should be
removed by the tokenizer. Arguments could be seperated by one ore more

> Maybe, using __argv/__argc,
> as suggested by Nuno Lucas is just better.

This is what I will use now, but what I don't like on this solution is
that it is compiler dependand.


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