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From: Vladimir Prus (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-14 10:04:39

cl_corba_at wrote:

> Thanks a lot for this link.
> I am glad to see that there is a library into review process.
> When I checked the documentation, I saw that windows command line
> (WinMain - whole arguments without programm name in a C-string) are
> not supported.

Right, the library assumes argc/argv or vector of strings.

> So someone has to use tokenizer to split the string into a vector and
> a seperator is still missing.

I guess that's the right job for boost::tokenizer... Frankly, I've missed
the WinMain case, and not sure what to do. The problem is that single
string might erase important information --- what happens if you have
command line argument with embedded space. Maybe, using __argv/__argc,
as suggested by Nuno Lucas is just better.

- Volodya

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