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From: Ben Hutchings (ben.hutchings_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-16 10:06:07

I wrote:

> That is correct. Windows programs receive given a single string of
> arguments to parse whereas Unix programs receive a vector which can
> be passed to main unchanged by the startup code.
> A full solution will need to be a little bit more complicated. There
> isn't a specification of how Windows command-lines should be generated
> or interpreted from an array of strings...

What I should have written is:

Windows programs receive a single string of arguments to parse whereas
Unix programs receive an array which can be passed to main unchanged by
the startup code.
A full solution will need to be a little bit more complicated. There
isn't a specification of how Windows command-lines should be converted
to or from an array of strings...

By the way, the startup code or other command-line parser does not
have to handle redirection or variable substitution; this *is* done by
the command processor (which implies that it does parse the command-
line, even though it doesn't give you the results of this).

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