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From: E. Scott Larsen (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-16 10:36:22

Just FYI to this thread in general. It's been a while since I've messed
with WinMain and command lines, but if my memory serves me right (it was
at a different place, so I don't have the code here), there's some
additional whacky issues here. WinMain recieves the first arguments
differently depending on how it is run:
*) from MSVC debugger
*) from a commandline
*) by clicking on an shortcut icon
*) by clicking in an explorer window

don't remember which is which, but one gives just the executable name,
one gives the full path to the executable (seems like there's two
variations on this, like one is quoted and one is not, don't remember
the details), and it seems like there's one that doesn't give the
executable at all.

Also, I _distinctly_ remember something very whacky when I used unicode,
I don't remember the details, but the commandline arguments were a
significant pain for a program built with unicode support using the
unicode windows entry function. That still tastes bad in my mouth.


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