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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-16 11:14:18

Alex Tibbles wrote:
> Apologies, news editor != text editor (cntrl-enter != autocomplete).
> I have persistent objects in my appplication and their factory dishes
> out only constant references (more precisely only copies of a
> shared_ptr< const T >). In order to make the persistent objects
> writable, an underlying record needs to be locked in the RDBMS. A
> friend template instantiation (a WritablePointer< T >) controls this
> locking, and effectively gives non-const access to the persistent
> object.
> The WritablePointer's constructor takes a shared_ptr< const T >. What
> I want to be able to do is like this (with non-smart pointers):
> template< typename T >
> class WritablePointer
> {
> public:
> WritablePointer(const T* const p)
> : p_(const_cast< T* const >(p))
> {
> p_->lock();
> }
> // ...
> private:
> T *p_;
> };
> I have:
> template< typename T >
> class WritablePointer
> {
> public:
> typedef typename boost::shared_ptr< T > SmartPointerType;
> typedef typename boost::shared_ptr< const T >
> ConstSmartPointerType; WritablePointer(const
> ConstSmartPointerType& p) : p_(static_cast< const
> SmartPointerType& >(p)) {
> p_->lock();
> }
> private:
> SmartPointerType p_;
> };
> This compiles under gcc 3.2.1 but with a warning:
> /usr/include/boost/shared_ptr.hpp:153: warning: invalid conversion
> from `const
> T* const' to `T*'
> /usr/include/boost/shared_ptr.hpp: In constructor
> [I have changed the concrete type from my application to T to
> simplify].
> What I want to do is cast away the const-ness in exactly one place -
> the WritablePointer ctor. But because I get the warnings it's harder
> to spot truly illicit conversions.
> (I copied this technique from an article I read (on Dr. Dobb's or CUJ
> probably) which used volatile and a mutex to protect shared data
> between threads, and a smart pointer much like mine to provide write
> access.

Interesting use case. You seem to need const_pointer_cast (currently only
static_ and dynamic_pointer_cast are provided.) I'll probably add
const_pointer_cast in the next release.

In the meantime, you can use this (somewhat hacky) solution:

    WritablePointer(const ConstSmartPointerType& p):
        p_(reinterpret_cast< const SmartPointerType& >(p))

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