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Boost Users :

From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-23 06:10:11

At 06:50 PM 4/22/2003, Paul-Michael Agapow wrote:
>Does any one have recent experience with compiling / installing Boost
>on a Mac using gcc? A brief vox-poll seems to say that most everyone on
>the Mac uses it with CodeWarrior, manually including it in their
>project. However I'm more interested in using gcc / ProjectBuilder, and
>distributing the source code to my programs. So, I need to know if my
>end-users are going to have any problems installing Boost?

Have you looked at the Mac OS regression tests (which use GCC)? See While the failure rate is
higher than on Linux or Windows, it isn't totally outrageous.

> My attempts
>have been been discouraging. The first install of Spirit almost
>immediately consumed all the memory on my machine and thrashed.
>Installation of the full Boost failed with link errors reporting
>"unrecognised option shared". Editing this option out of the regex
>makefile, lead to the next problem, failures with the unittests.
>Suspecting I was missing something obvious, I handed the problem over
>to someone else who spend a few days following the same trail,
>eventually commenting out the unittests.
>Sure, I could include the boost source with every program I use it in,
>but this strikes me as untidy and means every time Boost updates, I
>have to update the x separate copies on my disk.
>Opinions or sympathies?

Posting a general "it isn't working" without any specifics, error messages,
etc is unlikely to get much response.

Instead, try running the regression tests, and make sure your results are
at least as good as those reported in the logs. That verifies your setup is

Then focus on tests that are passing on other platforms, but not on Mac
OS/GCC. Looks at the error messages. If you can't understand the error
messages, ask for help on this list. But make your requests specific, and
include pertinent messages, test cases, etc.


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