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From: Joel de Guzman (djowel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-23 07:09:09

Paul-Michael Agapow wrote:
> Does any one have recent experience with compiling / installing Boost
> on a Mac using gcc? A brief vox-poll seems to say that most everyone
> on the Mac uses it with CodeWarrior, manually including it in their
> project. However I'm more interested in using gcc / ProjectBuilder,
> and distributing the source code to my programs. So, I need to know
> if my end-users are going to have any problems installing Boost? My
> attempts have been been discouraging. The first install of Spirit
> almost immediately consumed all the memory on my machine and thrashed.
> Installation of the full Boost failed with link errors reporting
> "unrecognised option shared". Editing this option out of the regex
> makefile, lead to the next problem, failures with the unittests.
> Suspecting I was missing something obvious, I handed the problem over
> to someone else who spend a few days following the same trail,
> eventually commenting out the unittests.
> Sure, I could include the boost source with every program I use it in,
> but this strikes me as untidy and means every time Boost updates, I
> have to update the x separate copies on my disk.
> Opinions or sympathies?

I cross-posted this to Spirit's mailing list in the hope that a Mac
coder can help out, at least WRT Spirit.


Joel de Guzman
joel at

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at