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From: scleary_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-04-24 11:49:36

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Harris [mailto:john.harris_at_[hidden]]
> Since it seems to work on VC7.1, it would be nice if the author had
> access to that compiler and could do some testing. In the mean time,
> I'll try some stuff with this new toy and report any further problems.

Some command-line tools ship with their DDK, so I do have a version of
"cl.exe" that reports "13.00.9176" - no idea how this fits in with the VC
versions, though. And the DDK doesn't include an STL anyway.

There is one "common" failure case with some implementations of STL
containers: passing 0 to Allocator::deallocate. When used with
std::allocator, the 0 is passed through to operator delete() which of course
ignores it. When used with pool_alloc, this generally causes a segfault.
IIRC, STLPort's std::vector will do this if you construct & destroy an empty
vector. Since I don't have the VC STL, could you do that test case for me?


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