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Boost Users :

From: John Harris (john.harris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-24 17:24:51

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], scleary_at_j... wrote:
> Some command-line tools ship with their DDK, so I do have a version
> "cl.exe" that reports "13.00.9176" - no idea how this fits in with
the VC
> versions, though. And the DDK doesn't include an STL anyway.

Unfortunately that's not it (it's the final beta); You want

> ignores it. When used with pool_alloc, this generally causes a
> IIRC, STLPort's std::vector will do this if you construct & destroy
an empty
> vector. Since I don't have the VC STL, could you do that test case
for me?

I can test this for you tomorrow (I'm about to go drinking now). In
return, could you possibly tell me how to change pool_allocator so
that it uses my own tag? My goal is to have a totally local
allocator for some special parts of the code. Why, BTW, does it have
to use the Singleton pool interface instead of the object pool
interface? The latter, I think is what I'm after.

I'll reply here with the results of my test.


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