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From: schlumpfi106 (gitarrenschlumpf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-01 18:10:28

I just tried to use the boost graph library to create a spanning tree
generation algorithm. After wasting a whole day I gave up and wrote
all the graph code myself.
I'm quiet upset about the useless online documentation for the graph
library. Maybe I have to buy the book to be able to use it?
Normally I would rely on some good, instructive examples and start my
own program by copy-and-paste. Here, there are only a few examples
and they are either too simple or too specific. Most documentation
topics provide no examples at all. Sometimes I head to guess through
the template-loaded headerfiles because there was no documentation.
I failed in creating a graph from a given adjacency matrix. I failed
in understanding the "interior property" concept. I failed in
printing a graph and its properties to graphviz.
To the developers: Please, before you implement anything new --
document the old things.

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