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From: Jim.Hyslop (jim.hyslop_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-02 15:29:08

Alisdair Meredith [mailto:yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]] wrote:
> "Jim.Hyslop" wrote:
> > There is a "Known Issues" section on the wiki (see the link in the
> > auto-appended .sig) which is intended to document these
> common "gotchas". I
> > haven't looked at it for a while, so I don't know how
> up-to-date it is.
> I tried looking there first, and after your message went back for a
> second look.
> Perhaps I am being dense, but I really can't find it.
> Closest match is
> the 'build issues' page, which I think is for a different thing.
> 'Search' the wiki did not help either.
That's the page I meant - CommonBuildProblems:

Sorry about the confusion. Your problem with the lexical_cast is the precise
reason I created the page.

> Could you post a link to the precise page you were thinking
> about? And
> I think a more prominent link on the front page may be useful too.
There's one under the "Quick Links" section, but as you say it's not very

Remember, the point of a wiki is that *anyone* can change the information.
If you think it deserves a more prominent position, then you are free to
give it one :=)


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