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From: Anthony Lichnewsky (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-16 13:44:41

> You've gotta be kidding me. Are you positive? I've never seen
> anything like this.

I am 100% positive !!!
I ran the whole installation three times, and every time it was the same.
I have been using boost under linux for a while, I expected it to be
straigthforward to use on windows too... it is, except for this.
I wouldn't have mailed if I was not sure.

> You can say that again!
OK ;)
"setting those files to read-only was enough"

I just thought it was worth reporting it, although I didn't find the
reason it occured ...

David Abrahams wrote:
> Anthony Lichnewsky <yg-boost-users_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>I had the following trouble setting up boost 1.29.0 on windows 2000
>>(using vc7, but that's not the point)
>>the first thing bjam did (the version downloaded from sourceforge) was
>>to erase all the files and folders in tools\
> You've gotta be kidding me. Are you positive? I've never seen
> anything like this.
>>so that no build could be performed... setting those files to
>>read-only was enough but that's an unexpected behaviour.
> You can say that again!

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