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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-21 08:42:24

> Anyway; it just irks me that I should have issues with 'standard' stuff,
> like streaming operators.
> And the fact that the same code compiles with MSVC6 and NOT the Intel
> compiler.


> Back on the #define which started my woes. The fact of the matter is, I get
> everything compiled when using MSVC6 and not the Intel compiler!
> I.e. the MSVC6-specific code works, the 'other' compiler code for the
> supposedly more Boost-compliant/friendly Intel compiler does not.

I guess I was thinking that what was happening is that when compiling
with Intel you were getting the MSVC defined and hence were taking the
non-generic code. Perhaps not...

Have you tried to run the tests in libs/date_time/test with your
Intel/STLPort configuration? That might help diagnose the issue.
Also, it might be instructive to post your compile command. Perhaps
someone with experience on Intel can figure out why your configuration
differs from the one that apparently passes the tests.

> Could it be because I am using STLPort in conjunction with the Intel
> compiler?

Might be a factor. There have been some issues before with the library
configuration assuming MSVC limitations which don't apply with STLPort
in the mix.

> Aargh. Just give me Linux and GCC...

Agreed :-)


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