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From: David Webster-Jaggard (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-05-23 07:17:41

Hello. Sorry if the answer to this question is available elsewhere but I
haven't found it yet.

I would like to build the python library in boost_1_30_0 using Borland C++
Builder 5 (bcc32 version 5.5.1). Currently, this fails with a number of
errors, the first and most significant being:

Error E2401 C:\boost\boost_1_30_0\boost/python/object/inheritance.hpp 69:
Invalid template argument list

The statement around line 69 from inheritance.hpp is as follows:

    typedef typename mpl::if_c<
        , polymorphic_id_generator<T>
        , non_polymorphic_id_generator<T> >::type type;

Is the borland compiler simply incapable of compiling this statement or (as
is likely) have I missed something?

Thanks in advance

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