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From: jhr.walter_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-05-24 11:01:14

Hi Benedikt,

you wrote:

> > >> I tried to run the tests for ublas with cwpro8 on Window 2000:
> > >>
> > >> D:\boost\boost_1_30_0\libs\numeric\ublas\test2>bjam -sTOOLS=cwpro8
> > >>
> > >> The compiler (Codewarrior) has problems with the boost include
> > files. >> Includes like
> > >> #include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
> > >> work only with the system path and not with the user path. When I
> > change
> > >> <include>$(BOOST_ROOT) in the jamfile to
> > <sysinclude>$(BOOST_ROOT) the >> problem disappears (but would
> > possibly not work for other compilers). >
> > >This probably is a question for the gurus (I've at least once
> > changed the >include pathes already ;-). I'd tend to *add*
> > <sysinclude>$(BOOST_ROOT)
> > to
> > >the jamfiles (if noone objects).
> >
> > Joerg,
> >
> > Codewarrior is working fine on the Win32 tests, so I'm not sure the
> > original poster's problem is really with the Jamfile.
> >
> > --Beman
> I (the original poster) am not at all an expert with bjam. I just looked
> the jamfiles in different libraries when I encountered the problem and
> noticed that most of them use <sysinclude>$(BOOST_ROOT). E.g.
> libs/filesystem/build/jamfile has even both <include>$(BOOST_ROOT) and
> <sysinclude>$(BOOST_ROOT) ;-) Changing the jamfile in ublas solved my
> problems. There might be a better solution though.

OK, I've added <sysinclude> to the Jamfiles in libs/numeric/ublas of my
local copy (this shouldn't affect the regression tests AFAIK) and everything
seems fine for GCC, ICC and Kylix under Linux still.



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