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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-03 21:42:24


please take your Boost.Build questions to the jamboost list. See

rmarsdena_at_[hidden] writes:

> I'm trying to use jam in place of nmake under VC6. The interesting
> thing is, I'm trying to use the VC7.1 compiler (I hate the new IDE).
> The problem is that the Path environment is hijacked by VC6 and replaced
> with its own idea of what the world should look like (i.e. VC6
> paths).

I think what I'm hearing you say is that you're trying to use
Boost.Build to build with vc++7.1 in place of nmake under VS6
Visual C++ is a compiler
Visual Studio is an IDE

> In nmake, I can do:
> MSDEV = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
> CPP = "$(MSVC)\bin\cl"
> PATH = $(IDE);$(PATH)
> INCLUDE = $(MSVC)\Include
> Fred.exe: Fred.cpp
> $(CPP) Fred.cpp
> and all is well. VC7.1 runs and compiles Fred.
> Under jam, I can load VC7.1 but it won't run because it looks in the path
> for its DLLs, from the IDE, and the path isn't getting set. If I preset
> the path before running VC6, the VC7.1 stuff is stripped out by VC6 as it
> loads.
> Is there a way round this, or do I have to go back to nmake :-(

Make sure MSVCDir is unset in bjam and use the vc7.1 toolset. One
way to do that might be:

    bjam -sMSVCDir= -sTOOLS=vc7.1

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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