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Boost Users :

From: Anders Hybertz (anders.hybertz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-04 13:53:00

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "Anders Hybertz"
<anders.hybertz_at_m...> wrote:
> Hi
> Up to and including version 1.29.0 of the boost library I had an
> object which inherited from boost::counted_base, and could
> within that object control when it should be deleted. The object
> spawned a thread which was listening on a queue, when there was
> pushed an shutdown message on the queue, I could safely delete the
> object.
> In boost 1.30.0 the counted_base changed name and namespace to
> boost::detail::sp_counted_base, but the way it works also changed -
> so now my object's destructor is called whenever it's going out of
> scope - which I don't want.
> Any ideas - or should I provide a small sandbox example
> Thanks in advance
> Anders Hybertz

Just to follow up on my own mail. I have now attached a
small 'almost' complete example which works in boost 1.29.0

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

class Test : public boost::counted_base
    Test() : boost::counted_base( 1, 1 )
        std::cout << "Test::Test" << std::endl;

        // Start the thread

    void ThreadMethod()
        bool active( true );
        while( active )
            // active = someQueue.Pop()
        std::cout << "Test::~Test" << std::endl;

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Test> TestPtr;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        TestPtr spTest( new Test );

    // Test destructor is not being called even though that it has
left scope

    // Stop thread and clean up etc.

    return 0;

The main purpose is that the Test destructor is not called before
the thread actually finishes.

Changing boost::counted_base to boost::detail::sp_counted_base for
boost 1.30.0 does not provide this feature.

Is there another way I cn ensure that the destructor is never being
call - but without modifying the interface, the user should not be
avare of the hidden details.

Thanks in advance

Anders Hybertz

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