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From: Mark Sizer (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-04 19:30:02

What is "the right thing"?

You don't HAVE to join(). The creating thread will just keep going if
you don't. If you join, it waits.

If you're passing ownership (e.g. delete responsibility) across thread
boundaries, you have to be careful, but that doesn't have much to do
with join().

After starting the thread, you can use a condtional in the creator to
wait for the thread to "get going" and accept ownership, sort of a
"started()" rather than an "ended()", like join(). Or you can flip it
around and have the started thread wait on the conditional whilst the
creator thread continues to use what will eventually be given to the thread.

Is that at all helpful?

- Mark

dick.bridges_at_[hidden] wrote:

> I need to spawn worker threads that simply perform a task and exit. All
> the examples I can find seem to use join() to cleanup the thread resources
> from another thread. Isn't there some way to declare worker threads so
> that they "do the right thing" as they exit the thread function?
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