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From: Mark Sizer (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-04 19:18:08

I had no problem with this.

I added the boost directory structure to my Visual Studio paths
(Tools/Options/Directories/Include & Library) and added boost_thread.lib
to the project settings (Project/Settings/Link/Input).

Since I'm not debugging boost, I use only the release libraries (the
VERY long path of which is:

I don't see any reason you couldn't put the whole mess in the project
settings, but my habit is to use the VisualStudio paths (it's not a good
habit, it makes rolling back the development environment to build
previous versions really hard - the paths are in the registry, not the
project which is in CVS).

Good luck,
  - Mark

Ken Fogel wrote:

> I can get the threads examples to compile and link with bjam but I am unable
> to get it to work from within the Visual Studio IDE (versions 6 or 7.1).
> Does anyone have a basic project structure that could be used in the IDE for
> threads? I am writing console applications rather than GUI apps.
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