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From: Ryan Barrett (rbarrett_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-09 13:38:38

On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Jim.Hyslop wrote:
> Hossein Haeri wrote:
> > Does the method you mentioned work for my problem in
> > which there is no ordering? If yes, please explain it
> > in more detail (with an example).
> Trees are generally used with ordered sequences, aren't they? If your data
> are not ordered, then how do you propose to insert them into the tree? What,
> well, order would they appear in the tree?

Not to put words into Hossein's mouth...but I'm going to. It sounds like he's
looking for a data structure that represents a plain old tree - no ordering,
just the parent/child relationships. A family tree (rooted at a single person)
would be a good example.

I think this was discussed before on this mailing list, The (obvious) solution
was to use a graph, and if necessary, add code that constrains it to satisfy the
tree properties.

Apologies if I'm wrong. :P


"The most is how much I front. It''s the amount."
  -MC Frontalot, 'Front the Most'

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