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From: Mark Storer (MStorer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-09 12:24:55

I don't mean to come off like a hard case, and I may well be wrong but...

This whole line of questioning has that "homework assignment" smell to it.
The initial question was _highly_ school-related:

> I need to have some template doing the jobs of an
> ordinary BST (Binary Search Tree). Nothing that fancy,
> but something at the level we all have been educated
> in CS1/FCS1, or similar courses. Does boosts
> repository contain such an object?

The utter lack of background detail leads me to believe that this is just a
toy problem... a homework assignment. And then there's the yahoo email
address... most proffesional programmers have @mybusiness addresses, though
that doesn't mean everyone here is a proffesional.

Oh, and the final bit of oddness:
> Why don't I write it myself? Simply, because I want to
> optimise the time!

How is waiting a week or so for some mailing list to hand you an answer
"optimizing the time"?

This has just been bothering me, I felt the need to speak out. If I'm
wrong, then I offer my heartfelt appoligies.

This may be what Mr. Hyslop was trying to dig at, I'm just not a patient or
subtle person. And I don't mind appologizing for my mistakes (lots of
practice, as you might imaging with this sort of behavior).

--Mark Storer
  Software Engineer
  Cardiff Software
#include <disclaimer>
typdef std::disclaimer<Cardiff> Discard;

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