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From: Jon Stewart (stew1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-09 15:09:26

Howdy -

I've been using CppUnit and various parts of Boost for a little over a
year. The 1.3.0 rlease includes support for unit testing, a la CppUnit,
JUnit, etc. At first glance, I can't find any fundamental differences
between CppUnit and Boost's unit testing framework. I'm sure that CppUnit
could benefit from a code review or two by Boost's luminaries, but I'm
still surprised that a new framework was created instead of trying to
improve CppUnit.

Can anyone state a few areas where CppUnit and Boost::test differ? In
general, I tend to prefer Boost's solutions over others', but I don't see
a clear cut case to be made for Boost over CppUnit, vis a vis unit
testing. I'd be happy to change my mind, however. :-)


Jon Stewart

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