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From: Ryan Barrett (rbarrett_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-09 18:24:49

On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Hossein Haeri wrote:
> > The (obvious) solution was to use a graph, and if necessary, add code that
> > constrains it to satisfy the tree properties.
> And how can I find the related emails? Can you
> remember the topic for those?

I went back and looked, and in Kasper Peeters' response to your original email,
he pointed to a generic n-ary tree (imho a good solution):

His email is here:

I'd agree with some of the other responses, though...the basic, five-line
solution is extremely simple, and it works. If you need extra operations like
tree traversals or search, they may depend on your specific problem enough that
you'd benefit from a custom-tailored solution.


"The most is how much I front. It''s the amount."
  -MC Frontalot, 'Front the Most'

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