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From: Mark Sizer (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-09 17:12:13

I had such success with Boost under Windows, that I'm now trying to get
it up and running under Linux. This is not a happy experience. I got it
  to work, but this can't be the way it's supposed to be done:

I'm using boost_1_30_0.
I installed the bjam RPM (boost_jam_3.1.4-1.i386.rpm).

bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" from a bash command line.

I had all sorts of very strange error messages, so I set about upgrading
my Linux environment.

I boostrapped the gcc 3.3 compiler (I had 2.6 something).

Same error messages.

I upgraded libstdc++ to libstdc++-v3.0.97-gcc-3.1.x.tar.gz (I'm seeing
the gcc version mismatch as I type this, but it is the latest
libstdc++). The "merging into an existing compiler" instructions seemed
really complicated so I installed it and re-bootstrapped the compiler.

Got a more sensible error message: Unknown compiler version please run
the configure tests and report the results. (from gnu.hpp)

I hacked gnu.hpp to allow the 3.3 compiler. The error message changed to
being unable to find the std:: headers (first one was <utility> from
select_stdlib.hpp). I seem to have at least four versions:
/usr/include/g++-v3/utility (judging by the dates, this seems the
correct one)

Obviously, none of these are in the compiler's include path.

bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" "-sGCC_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY=/usr/include/g++-v3"

Wasn't helpful: "bits/c++config.h" can't be found. That's in
/usr/include/g++-v3/i686-pc-linux-gnu. However, there doesn't seem to be
a way to specify more than one include directory (neither multiple "-s"
nor delimited paths in a single "-s" worked).

So I copied everything from i686-pc-linux-gnu/bits to ../../bits. It built.

This can't be normal. How is this process supposed to work?

  - Mark

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