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From: Russell Hind (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-10 09:41:25

Darren Vincent Hart wrote:
> That did the trick, many thanks. So why is it that the error talked
> about argument types when it *should* have reported me attempting to
> change a member variable within a const context ? (I admit to feeling a
> bit abashed at the problem however :-) )

The compiler is correct with its error (whether it is a helpful
diagnostic or not). You are passing a const mutex to an method that
expects a mutex. Its like passing an int to method that expects a string.

const mutex

is a different type than


So that is why the error is about argument types. You weren't actually
attempting to modify a const object yourself was, but scoped_lock
explicitly states that it wants a 'mutex', not a 'const mutex' so that
is the error the compiler was displaying

C++ compiler errors aren't always the most helpful, but they are logical


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