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From: Alexis (alexismajordomo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-11 17:31:40

Thanks for the answer :o)

On Wednesday, Jun 11, 2003, at 22:48 Europe/London,
jhr.walter_at_[hidden] wrote:

> You've read the documentation's remarks about abstraction penalty,
> haven't
> you?

Yes, I did, I even read Vandervoorde and Josuttis "C++ templates"
(though I havent grasped all the concepts yet ;o) )

> > Are the results specific to this test?
> In a certain sense.

What I meant was "are the results not that good because of any of the
functions I am using (element_prod in particular, since its quite new)?"
But I've got my answer, thanks! I didnt think the optimizer would do
such a "bad" job for such a small formula. Lets hope gcc catch up
Sorry, I forgot to mention my config: gcc 3.1, OSX and G3 800
(definitely not as fast as yours!!)

Thanks again


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