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From: Daryle Walker (darylew_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-11 19:21:57

On Tuesday, June 10, 2003, at 10:15 PM, Duane Murphy wrote:

> --- At Tue, 10 Jun 2003 16:19:54 -0400, Daryle Walker wrote:
>> But my point was that if the OP only needed a simple byte bucket, he
>> could just allocate one without complicating matters with a
>> full-blown object. It's more efficient because the multi-byte
>> processing function only works with simple byte buckets.
> This used to be my consensus as well. However, after reading Meyer's
> More Effective STL as well as several CUJ articles I became convinced
> that there was virtually no overhead and lots of convenience to
> actually using a vector instead of "raw" storage. The automatic size
> management coupled with automatic destruction is a huge win over raw
> allocated storage management. In addition, most standard libraries
> have optimized vectors for pod's that remove the overhead of
> constructing and destructing intrinsic types and pointers.
> My conclusion was that vector<> is your friend. :-)

If we just need the automation, we could make an array-variant of
std::auto_ptr<>. I did that once on my previous computer. Maybe I
should make a submission for boost::auto_array<>.


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