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From: Eugene Talagrand (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-22 18:25:02

Hello to all,
        I'm looking into using the Boost.Signals.
The library claims not to be thread safe. What does this mean exactly?

When using Boost.Threads, can I make concurrent calls to connect as long
as I wrap each call in a Mutex?

If this is possible, do tackable objects also still work
(if two trackable objects get destroyed in two different threads there
might be a problem from what I understand)

On an different note, I am trying to use Boost.Signals for network event
handling. I'd like to set it up so that it uses something similar to he
JavaScript event model, where every slot returns a boolean value.
If that value is false, the remaining slots are not called.
Would anyone have any recommendations on how to do this?
Should I wrap each slot in a function that takes the return value and
sets a global flag, then every subsequent slot checks the flag?
It looks like combiners would not be appropriate, as it appears they are
used after each slot is called (unless the InputIterator' opeator*
actually calls the slot??)

Thanks for any help

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