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From: Rene Rivera (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-22 00:44:21

In article <[hidden]>,
 Jonathan de Halleux <dehalleux_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Hy all,
> I want to use bjam as build tool for my application. Therefore I have some
> specific questions about jam and bjam:
> 1) Suppose I want to compile all .cpp files in a particular directory, how
> do I tell bjam to do it ?

To get the CPP files of a directory you can:

cpp-files = [ GLOB some/path : *.cpp ] ;

> Here are three question closely related:
> 2) Is there a way to modify the output tree hierarchy created by bjam ?

Mostly no. You can shorten it if you define your own custom variants.

> 3) Is there a way to modify the output filename format. For example, bjam
> adds a "lib" to the lib projects. Is this customizable ?

For suffixes that is toolset and platform dependant. Some platforms only
accept libs with specific endings. And others it's arbitrary but uses platform
conventions. For prefixes it platform dependant in some cases. Arbitrary in

Is it the suffix or prefix you want to change? They can be changed but I would
discourage from doing that, it can have unforseen effects depending on the

> 4) Is it possible to tell bjam to compile projects and "centralize"
> binaries and lib in one single directory ?

Yes. Look at the "stage" rule. It stages the targets you specify into a
subdirectory, or subdirectories, of your choosing.

-- grafik
-- Don't Assume Anything

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