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From: jhr.walter_at_[hidden]
Date: 2003-06-24 16:52:59

Hi Alexey,

you wrote:


> > Which compiler are you using?
> VC++ 7.1

Sorry, I should have concluded that from one of your earlier postings.

> > > Do somebody help my to write this code correctly? Or fix library?
> >
> > How?
> 1. Add "typedef self_type matrix_type;" in definition of class matrix

I'm unsure about this one: matrix_type currently describes the type of a
referenced matrix for matrix proxies. What should the new definition be?

> 2. Add
> template<class M>
> matrix_range<M> project (matrix_range<M> &data, const range &r1, const
> range &r2) {
> return data.project (r1, r2);
> }
> in matix_proxy.hpp (ver. 1.12) on line 3585.

Added that one (the omission is probably a bug).

> It may be need to add the
> same code for other proxy types .

And these.

> After those changes my code shown above compiles correctly and even runs.

My current iteration is:

#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>

using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;

typedef matrix<double> Matrix;
typedef matrix_range<matrix<double> > MatrixRange;

void ProcessRecursive(MatrixRange& m)
   MatrixRange mr = project(m, range(0,m.size1()/2), range(0,m.size2()/2));
   if (mr.size1() > 0 && mr.size2() > 0)

void StartProcess()
   Matrix m;
   MatrixRange mr(m, range::all(), range::all());

int main()


Is something like that OK for you?

Thanks for your feedback,

P.S.: I've uploaded my local copy to

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