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From: Alexey Nikitin (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-06-25 03:37:43

<jhr.walter_at_[hidden]> ???????/???????? ? ???????? ?????????:
> Hi Alexey,
> you wrote:
> [snip]
> > > Which compiler are you using?
> >
> > VC++ 7.1
> Sorry, I should have concluded that from one of your earlier postings.


> > > > Do somebody help my to write this code correctly? Or fix library?
> > >
> > > How?
> >
> > 1. Add "typedef self_type matrix_type;" in definition of class matrix
> I'm unsure about this one: matrix_type currently describes the type of a
> referenced matrix for matrix proxies. What should the new definition be?

The general idea is not differ the matrix and matrix proxies in code where
that differ is not nessesory.
The new definition should be next: matrix_type describes the type of a
referenced matrix for matrix proxies or the type of matrix if it is not
At addition, if client want to public inherit from class matrix he must
redefine matrix_type as type of new class.

> > 2. Add
> > template<class M>
> > matrix_range<M> project (matrix_range<M> &data, const range &r1,
> > range &r2) {
> > return data.project (r1, r2);
> > }
> > in matix_proxy.hpp (ver. 1.12) on line 3585.
> Added that one (the omission is probably a bug).

Thank you :)

> > It may be need to add the
> > same code for other proxy types .
> And these.

And once agane thank you :)

> > After those changes my code shown above compiles correctly and even
> ;)
> My current iteration is:
> ----------
> #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
> using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
> typedef matrix<double> Matrix;
> typedef matrix_range<matrix<double> > MatrixRange;
> void ProcessRecursive(MatrixRange& m)
> {
> MatrixRange mr = project(m, range(0,m.size1()/2),
> if (mr.size1() > 0 && mr.size2() > 0)
> ProcessRecursive(mr);
> }
> void StartProcess()
> {
> Matrix m;
> MatrixRange mr(m, range::all(), range::all());
> ProcessRecursive(mr);
> }
> int main()
> {
> StartProcess();
> }
> ----------
> Is something like that OK for you?

Yes, it is work... but I like my code more ;)


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