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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-18 09:04:31

At 09:00 AM 8/18/2003, Dan Muller wrote:
>In article <41B553DE6D81D5119AD90050DA7ACF702E62E6_at_PDCSERVER>,
>administrator_at_[hidden] says...
>> Dan,
>> On a side note, has anyone been working on placing built items into a
>> directory, say <boost_top_dir>/lib?
>> If not, I have a patch that should help alot.
>Sounds like an excellent idea. I'm assuming that on Windows, the boost
>build would then follow common conventions so that libraries built with
>different characteristics (debug vs. non-debug, multi- vs. single-
>threaded, etc) had different names. (I haven't been following boost
>build developments lately -- is this a topic of ongoing changes?)

A solution is currently checked in on a branch. But it is languishing for
lack of testing. See the jamboost_at_[hidden] thread "Standardization
of build". I'm sure it would be appreciated if someone could give it a try
and report problems to Rene.


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